upsteam and downstream project

This is freestyle project, where we will create with and without paramters.

In this example we create three jenkins jobs: 1) build 2) testing 3) deploy

  1. Create a freestyle project name “build”

Build steps: echo “build job”

2. Create a testing job freestyle project using copy from option

In the configure option change the build step

echo “testing job”

3. Same step perform for Deploy job and change the echo statement

echo “Deploying job”

4. Please go in testing job–> configure option and select the option (build trigger)–> check mark build after other projects  are build

5. Go to deploy job –>onfigure option and select the option (build trigger)–> check mark build after other projects  are build and type testing (job)

6. Trigger the build job and check the console output

7. Install below of the two plugins

8. Click on the My view options

10. Create a view for your pipeline

11. create pipeline view

12.  Select upstream/downstream job


13. Check the view.


Can we parameterized this?? Yes!!